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Terms Of Use

Welcome to JVR Online! We hope you will find these assessments both interesting and personally valuable.

The Process

You have been provided a link by a qualified and trained practitioner to complete one or more assessment(s). Please note the following practices to make sure that your assessment results are as accurate as possible to provide maximum value:

  1. Ensure you are in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed when you do the assessment(s).
  2. Read the instructions carefully and make sure you understand them.
  3. Try to do the assessments "in one go" rather than at different times.
  4. Do the assessments absolutely on your own and do not consult others in responding to the questions.
  5. Make sure you answer all the questions honestly, reflecting your best knowledge and understanding of yourself.
  6. Keep the contact details of the person who requested you to do the assessment(s) at hand should you get stuck or have any additional questions.


  7. Do not provide your assessment link to anybody else for any reason.
  8. Do not make any copies of the test or any part of the test in any way

Confidentiality of your Results

We take confidentiality very seriously, therefore:

  1. In accordance with relevant legislation and best practice principles, the personal information we ask you to provide is to be able to score and interpret your assessment results. This information is stored in private and secure servers as per national and international best practice and legislation.
  2. The JVR employees responsible for support to you and your service provider are strictly managed according to national and international privacy legislation.
  3. By using our online systems and sending information to us electronically, you consent to transborder and international transmission of personal information collected or processed through our sites for scoring and reporting purposes as required. All data sent across borders is encrypted and transferred only to recipients who are vetted by JVR in terms of their compliance with national and international privacy legislation.
  4. Please make a note of your password as this will not ever be transmitted to you, nor is it shared with anyone.
  5. The personal and biographical information gathered during the assessment process will never be used for any marketing purposes.

Your Rights and Responsibilities

For a detailed overview of what you can expect and what is expected of you as a test taker, please click here.

Informed Consent

I acknowledge and accept that:

  1. I have read, understand, and agree with the process, confidentiality, and my rights and responsibilities as a test taker.
  2. Completing the assessment(s) is voluntary.
  3. I understand the reason for completing the assessment(s).
  4. I can request feedback on my results from the service provider, but there may be additional costs involved, which I would need to ask them about.
  5. My assessment results will be sent to the professional service provider/requesting party (who is appropriately qualified). My information will not be made available to any other party without my written consent.
  6. All aggregated, anonymised, and depersonalised information submitted to JVR as part of the assessment process within the parameters of confidentiality, can be used and stored indefinitely for research and statistical purposes by JVR.

Please note: If you are a parent or guardian of a child completing assessment(s), you are:

  1. Providing consent for your child to complete one or more assessments.
  2. Responsible for ensuring adherence to all the principles referred to above.

Please do not guide the child in their answers or provide answers to the questionnaires for the child.

Acceptance of Terms

By clicking on ‘I accept’ below, you confirm that you have read, and that you understand and agree to these Terms of Business and that you consent to doing the assessment(s) according to these principles:

I Accept

If you're not prepared to accept these Terms of Use, please contact your administrator or read JVR Africa Group's Terms of Business (